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New Zealand’s Power Crunch Boosts Benefits of Solar Batteries for Homeowners

Powerlines in New Zealand

With the current power crunch that New Zealand is experiencing (greater energy demand than supply during peak times) the value proposition for installing batteries with your solar has never been greater.

We are in the midst of some unprecedented times – and it’s all pointing towards great outcomes for New Zealand households who own battery storage.
For the first time, we are on the cusp of seeing New Zealand home owners being participants in our energy market (not passengers).

The rise of the “prosumer” (producer & consumer):

Prosumers are able to participate in energy markets by utilising battery storage to essentially ‘game the system’.

What does that mean?

We can charge our batteries from our solar panels – and store this energy to utilise during peak times (load shifting) which reduces our dependence & exposure to purchasing energy during peak times.

But right now, it goes way beyond this.

Today, we can force charge our batteries during off-peak times, or periods where energy supply far exceeds demand – and we can even export power from our batteries when demand (and prices) go through the roof.

There are many electricity retailers now starting to incentivise this activity, by offering ‘free power hours’ or free off-peak usage for set times.
On top of this, some of these same retailers are also offering much higher export prices during peak demand times, allowing you (the prosumer) to monetise the value of your battery storage.

This is an extremely exciting and powerful paradigm shift for traditional energy consumers, who now have some control.

Put simply, we are now able to buy (or be gifted) very cheap energy off-peak and sell (export) that energy at a premium during peak demand times.

By cycling our batteries more than once a day, the savings (and now earnings) we can make as prosumers can really change the way we look at battery investments.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with Infinite Energy to discuss adding a battery to your existing solar system, or installing solar and batteries at your home or business.

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Infinite Energy specialise in the design and installation of customised solar power and battery solutions. 

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Solar PV Install - Roxburgh Community Pool
Ground Mount Array at Dingleburn Station
Panels on the roof of Connectics in Christchurch
Peter Vials House in Alexandra

44C McNulty Road, Cromwell. Central Otago

P. 0800 287 3786E.